Thursday, August 14, 2008

Durian + Rambutan Day @ Bentong

This is another weekend again, dear plan to go Bentong with colleagues for picking durian.. Wow, that was my favourite Durian! haha there was long time i didnt eat nice durian.. miss it so much. Eary morning 8am.. we having our bak kut teh breakfast at downstair, yummy! 9am.. there is another 3 Mitsubishi Triton, Toyota Hilux waiting for us at Gas Station BP at Gombak Toll.. without wasting time..we depart to Bentong. about another 2hours, we reached Bentong. there was a hot nice wheather day, but very enjoy when the progress of finding durians in the farm.. ahlthough sweating all the time but worth it. we got alots of durians and rambutan. after that we go our lunch nearby and then go a temple for praying. finally having the famous ABC and cendol icecream at Bentong. a tire and satisfied day....


SongSong said...

Auntie...becareful ur head....don't kena durian wor... :P
Yummy durian~~

勿冬冬 said...

haha.. wont kena.. my iron head :P i love durian!