Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Lets intro abit about my client side office now. Currently i am based at Eon Bank HQ at jalan raja chulan. quite relaxing now since the project is being delay. We are based at 15th floor, which is few vendors here. In our room is for datawarehouse, and opposite room is Silverlake vendor!haha, so everyday can see silverlakes there.. (seems never apart from silverlake even had resigned :P) let's show some photo :

my place :)

my seat (ops, my breakfast is there, quite messy oh :P)

Alex's seat

our "lao ban"

our dai ka jie, act cool wor..

overall office

our "dai lou"


Gromit said...

i thought my company have less privacy..but your office lagi no privacy oh...

is it tempory workplace or permanant?
like this enviroment, i cant concentrate oh,,can you?
if can, you are a very gang aunty

勿冬冬 said...

haha, that is only my client side :P is 1 of the bank HQ at malaysia..haha,will based there until project end loh..wont permanent there! but is good cos can chatting while working with each other haha.